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History of Russia

Historic Personalities

Uvarov F. P.
General of Cavalry, General-Aide-de-Camp, Count (Graf)
Fedor Petrovich Uvarov began his military career in 1775. In 1787 he was got the rank of captain.
He took part in the Polish campaign of 1794. In 1798 he was transferred to the Horse Guards, promoted to the rank of Major-General and was given the rank of General-Aide-de-Camp.
The cause of such sudden rise was his close relatiions with the Lopukhins family, that occupied dominating position under Emperor Paul I. In 1799 he was appointed the chief of the Cavalergardsky (Horse Guards) Corps (Horse Guards regiment from 1800).
In 1800 Uvarov was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-General.
Despite Paul's good regard for him, Uvarov took part in the plot against the Emperor in that was finished by Paul's murder, though Uvarov did not play a leading role in it. The day before the palace revolution he was a General-Aide-de-Camp of the day, and on the night of March,12,1801 he together with some officers of his regiment stayed near the heir's rooms for guard.
After Alexander I had come to the throne, Uvarov became one of close people to the new Emperor and almost always accompanied Alexander during his walks.
Uvarov participated in the campaign of 1805 and distinguished in the battle of Austerlitz there he commanded the Horse Guards regiment and covered the retreat of the remain of Russian army.
He took part in the campaigns of 1806 - 1807 in Prussia. When Alexander met Napoleon in Tilzit and Erfurt Uvarov accompanied him.
Uvarov took part in the Russian-Turkish war of 1810 and was contused in the battle of Batin. In 1810 he commanded a detached corps of Russian army in Moldavia, that covered the assault of the Turkish fortress of Silistria. He also distinguished in the assault of Rushuk.
In the war of 1812 year Uvarov commanded the 1-st Cavalry Corps and then Cavalry of the 1-st and 2-nd Russian Armies, took part in the actions at the Kolotsky monastery. But especially he distinguished himself in the Borodino battle. Commanding the 1-st Cavalry Corps he with ataman Platov's cossacks turned the left flank of the French army and made a raid to its rear. By this the attack of main French forces planned by Napoleon was delayed for at last 2 hours.After this Uvarov acted in the rear-guard of General Miloradovich. And during the Russian counter-offensive Uvarov took part in the battles of Viazma and Krasny. For his merits in the battle of Leupzig in 1813 he was promoted to the rank of General of Cavalry.
In the campaign of 1813 - 1814 years he took part in military operation and sometimes was in Emperor Alexander's retinue.
After the war he was constantly at the Emperor and acoompanied him in his travels over Europe and to European Congresses.
In 1821 he was appointed the commander of the Guards Corps and got the title of Count (Graf). In 1823 he became a member of the State Council.

Baghowut K. F.
Bagration P. I.
Barclay de Tolly M. B.
Bulganin N. A.
Chervyakov A. G.
Chichagov P. V.
Davidov D. V.
Dokhturov D. S.
Dorokhov I. S.
Dzerzhinsky F. E.
Ermolov A. P.
Gorchakov A. I.
Kalinin M. I.
Khrapovitsky M. E.
Konovnitsin P. P.
Kostenetsky V. G.
Kosygin A.
Kulnev J. P.
Kutaisov A. I.
Kutuzov M. I.
Miloradovich M. A.
Molotov V. M.
Neverovsky D. P.
Orlov-Denisov V. I.
Osterman-Tolstoy A. I.
Petrovsky G. I.
Platov M. I.
Potemkin J. A.
Rasputin G. Y.
Senyavin D. N.
Stolypin P. A.
Suvorov A. V.
Tuchkov A. A.
Ushakov F. F.
Uvarov F. P.
Vasilchikov I. V.
Volkonsky S. G.
Voroshilov K. Y.
Wittgenstein P. Ch.

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