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Great Date Ideas

There are a lot of ideas for dating that are not expensive and yet they are fun, you just have to be creative. Here are a few ideas for dates.

  1. If you're knowledge of the person you are going on a date with is minimal then a simple 'let's go for a coffee at a local cafe' allows you the comfort of getting to know that person better, with the option that if it's not working, then it isn't a long date, so you're not wasting much time and can chalk it up to experience.
  2. The Dinner Date is an another classic date idea. Decide on a restaurant, but make sure beforehand that you know the other person's food preferences. The dinner may last an hour or two, so beforehand, think about some topics you might want to talk about. It's best to keep the conversation light in tone and avoid potentially tricky areas like past boyfriends, personal family details and so on.
  3. Ice-Skating and 10-pin Bowling - these are great both if you've done them before, or especially if one of you hasn't. It's a great chance to get closer and have a good laugh together. Concerts, nightclub or dancing offer alternatives.
  4. Remember the date shouldn't really be a competition, but if you're both sporty or athletic, then trying something a bit more active might be to both your benefits.
  5. For instance: roller-blading, skiing (water-skiing), going for a mountain-bike ride along a picturesque trail, hill-walking, a game of frisbee and a picnic and so forth.
  6. Want to have a bit of an adventure? Well, you could try out bunjee-jumping, canooing, white-water rafting, sky-diving, scuba (snorkle) diving or even take a romantic air baloon trip. Just ensure you follow all the safety guidelines.
  7. Visit places of mutual interest, like art galleries, cultural centres. You might take a day trip to a local town, a famous area, or even an aftertoon class yoga, dancing or photography.

Hopefully, some of these ideas made you come up with some of your own. Remember be creative and have fun!

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